POCKET-SNIPER helps all players who want to deal more intensively with the contact point at the Object-Ball. The player can see the aiming point through the foil lying on the table. POCKET-SNIPER is a very good add-on product for better understanding and learning the game of billiards.
The POCKET-SNIPER is the most advanced and the simplest billiards aiming tool on the market. It is made out of a special plastic foil which has nearly the same surface and friction properties like regular billiard table cloth. It stays on the pool table during your drill session. It is very thin, it is durable, it is a high quality “Made in Germany” product. It will sky-rocket your game in a short period of time.
Already used by thousand of players all over the world it is becoming a major billiards aiming tool for beginners and intermediate players who want to improve their potting skills. It has been tested several times by leading pool coaches in Germany and in the USA, getting the highest grades and proofs of benefit. Learn more about it HERE.
The POCKET-SNIPER is really easy to use. Place it at the desired position on the table, lay down the Object Ball and the Cue Ball and start practicing! That`s it. You will love it!
The POCKET-SNIPER is very compact and very light. You can easily put it into your cue case and have it all the time with you, ready to use anytime and anywhere!
The POCKET-SNIPER is made from a high quality material which can be cleaned with a soft cloth and a little bit of water. Just moisten the cloth a little bit with water and wipe off the dirt.
Our dedicated team is working day-in and day-out together to bring our clients the most amazing products for a better pool billiards experience. We are combining passion with the love to the game. Shaping and improving our products for better performances and easier usage. All benefits are provided to our customers. We take feedback into account from worlds best players to create special products. Stay with us. There is much more to come very soon.

C.-Karl Wagner